Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 53-My Heart

The Man in the Mirror Journey
is a journey of walking out of a tomb and recognizing everyday the beauty and significance of how God created us. Instead of rebounding,re-bonding and finding esteem in the arms of someone else, these are the step to seeing it in the arms of God

Day 53
My Heart
2 Samuel 7:3
Nathan told the king, "Whatever is on your
heart, go and do it. God is with you."

My Old Reflection
The Hard Heart
Genesis 6:5
Noah and His Sons ]
God saw that human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil—evil, evil, evil from morning to night. God was sorry that he had made the human race in the first place; it broke his heart. God said, "I'll get rid of my ruined creation, make a clean sweep: people, animals, snakes and bugs, birds—the works. I'm sorry I made them."

Deuteronomy 28:47
Because you didn't serve God, your God, out of the joy and goodness of your
heart in the great abundance, you'll have to serve your enemies whom God will send against you. Life will be famine and drought, rags and wretchedness; then he'll put an iron yoke on your neck until he's destroyed you.

Whole heart wasn't in it
There are some people who we wished went the distance with us. Some people where called to go the distance but because the journey was too difficult they abandoned the post of walking side by side.

Numbers 32:6
Moses answered the families of Gad and Reuben: "
Do you mean that you are going to leave the fighting that's ahead to your brothers while you settle down here?
Why would you even think of letting the People of Israel down, demoralizing them just as they're about to move into the land God gave them?
That's exactly what your ancestors did when I sent them from Kadesh Barnea to survey the country.
They went as far as the Valley of Eshcol, took one look and quit. They completely demoralized the People of Israel from entering the land God had given them. And God got angry—oh, did he get angry! He swore:
'They'll never get to see it; none of those who came up out of Egypt who are twenty years and older will ever get to see the land that I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
They weren't interested in following me—their hearts weren't in it. None, except for Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and Joshua son of Nun; they followed me—their hearts were in it.'

Deuteronomy 30:17
But I warn you: If you have a change of
heart, refuse to listen obediently, and willfully go off to serve and worship other gods, you will most certainly die. You won't last long in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.

Stingy heart
Deuteronomy 15:10
Give freely and spontaneously. Don't have a stingy
heart. The way you handle matters like this triggers God,
your God's, blessing in everything you do, all your work and ventures. There are always going to be poor and needy people among you. So I command you: Always be generous, open purse and hands, give to your neighbors in trouble, your poor and hurting neighbors.

Don't promise something
your Heart can't give
I remember being given this scripture in the middle of one of my fast. I hated hearing it then and I hate reading it now. Here is a man that felt he needed to overcompensate for his past by agreeing to be a general just to "become the head" of the people who once didn't think he was good enough. So in order to make that happen he made an agreement with God and that was that if God blessed him in war he would "give him whatever comes out of his door if he returned home in one piece...

34-35 Jephthah came home to Mizpah. His daughter ran from the house to welcome him home—dancing to tambourines! She was his only child. He had no son or daughter except her. When he realized who it was, he ripped his clothes, saying, "Ah, dearest daughter—I'm dirt. I'm despicable. My heart is torn to shreds. I made a vow to God and I can't take it back!"

36 She said, "Dear father, if you made a vow to God, do to me what you vowed; God did his part and saved you from your Ammonite enemies."

37 And then she said to her father, "But let this one thing be done for me. Give me two months to wander through the hills and lament my virginity since I will never marry, I and my dear friends."

38-39 "Oh yes, go," he said. He sent her off for two months. She and her dear girlfriends went among the hills, lamenting that she would never marry. At the end of the two months, she came back to her father. He fulfilled the vow with her that he had made. She had never slept with a man.

39-40 It became a custom in Israel that for four days every year the young women of Israel went out to mourn for the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite.

God's Response
Leviticus 26:40
"On the Other Hand, If They Confess..." ]
"On the other hand, if they confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors, their treacherous betrayal, the defiance that set off my defiance that sent them off into enemy lands; if by some chance they soften their hard hearts and make amends for their sin, I'll remember my covenant with Jacob, I'll remember my covenant with Isaac, and, yes, I'll remember my covenant with Abraham. And I'll remember the land.

Deuteronomy 1:19
Then we set out from Horeb and headed for the Amorite hill country,
going through that huge and frightening wilderness that you've had more than an eyeful of by now
all under the command of God, our God
and finally arrived at Kadesh Barnea. There I told you,
"You've made it to the Amorite hill country that God, our God, is giving us. Look, God, your God, has placed this land as a gift before you. Go ahead and take it now. God, the God-of-Your-Fathers, promised it to you. Don't be afraid. Don't lose heart."

Deuteronomy 28:1
If you listen obediently to the Voice of God, your God, and
heartily obey all his commandments that I command you today, God, your God, will place you on high, high above all the nations of the world. All these blessings will come down on you and spread out beyond you because you have responded to the Voice of God, your God: God's blessing inside the city, God's blessing in the country; God's blessing on your children, the crops of your land, the young of your livestock, the calves of your herds, the lambs of your flocks. God's blessing on your basket and bread bowl; God's blessing in your coming in, God's blessing in your going out.

A Heart to be Heard
1 Samuel 1:12
It so happened that as she continued in prayer before God, Eli was watching her closely. Hannah was praying in her
heart, silently. Her lips moved, but no sound was heard. Eli jumped to the conclusion that she was drunk. He approached her and said, "You're drunk! How long do you plan to keep this up? Sober up, woman!"
1 Samuel 1:15
Hannah said, "Oh no, sir—please! I'm a woman hard used. I haven't been drinking. Not a drop of wine or beer. The only thing I've been pouring out is my
heart, pouring it out to God. Don't for a minute think I'm a bad woman. It's because I'm so desperately unhappy and in such pain that I've stayed here so long."
1 Samuel 1:18
"Think well of me—and pray for me!" she said, and went her way. Then she ate
heartily, her face radiant.

When a friend has to tell
you what's real
2 Samuel 19:5
But in private Joab rebuked the king: "Now you've done it—knocked the wind out of your loyal servants who have just saved your life, to say nothing of the lives of your sons and daughters, wives and concubines. What is this—loving those who hate you and hating those who love you? Your actions give a clear message: officers and soldiers mean nothing to you. You know that if Absalom were alive right now, we'd all be dead—would that make you happy? Get hold of yourself; get out there and put some
heart into your servants! I swear to God that if you don't go to them they'll desert; not a soldier will be left here by nightfall. And that will be the worst thing that has happened yet."

A Heart That Forgives
The scripture is from the reunion of Jacob and his brothe Esua. He trick his brother out of his inheritance and for year than didn't speak. Esua wanted to kill him for a long time, this just remind me of sibling relationships and how often time the person who is wrong just needs a heart to forgive to say sorry, but if they never apologize, you need a heart to fogive them also

Genesis 33:10
Jacob said, "Please. If you can find it in your
heart to welcome me, accept these gifts. When I saw your face, it was as the face of God smiling on me. Accept the gifts I have brought for you. God has been good to me and I have more than enough." Jacob urged the gifts on him and Esau accepted.

The Love of Christ
I could be completely wrong in this but when I read the following scripture it reminds me how powerful Jesus Christ sacrifice is for us, because look what was done before the price was paid. Aaron had to hold the names of the tribe of Isreal on his breastplate of Judgement...because his "heart couldn't carry the load. But we see with Chrsit that he was stripped down to nothing and STILL carried the wight of judgment for EVERYBODIES SINS bare. That's past present and furture souls, but thats what I got

Exodus 28:29
"Aaron will regularly carry the names of the sons of Israel on the Breastpiece of Judgment over his
heart as he enters the Sanctuary into the presence of God for remembrance. Place the Urim and Thummim in the Breastpiece of Judgment. They will be over Aaron's heart when he enters the presence of God. In this way Aaron will regularly carry the Breastpiece of Judgment into the presence of God.

To a heart that isn't alligned with what
God is saying but has good intentions
somethings are commendable, and are right to seek after, but it wasn't meant for you
1 Kings 8:17
"My father David had it in his
heart to build a Temple honoring the Name of God, the God of Israel. But God told him 'It was good that you wanted to build a Temple in my honor—most commendable! But you are not the one to do it—your son will build it to honor my Name.'

My New Reflection
1 Samuel 16:7
But God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I've already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the

Deuteronomy 6:5
Love God, your God, with your whole
heart: love him with all that's in you, love him with all you've got!

Deuteronomy 4:9
Just make sure you stay alert. Keep close watch over yourselves. Don't forget anything of what you've seen. Don't let your
heart wander off. Stay vigilant as long as you live. Teach what you've seen and heard to your children and grandchildren.

Deuteronomy 30:6
God, your God, will cut away the thick calluses on your
heart and your children'shearts, freeing you to love God, your God, with your whole heart and soul and live, really live. God, your God, will put all these curses on your enemies who hated you and were out to get you.

Deuteronomy 4:39
Know this well, then. Take it to
heart right now: God is in Heaven above; God is on Earth below. He's the only God there is. Obediently live by his rules and commands which I'm giving you today so that you'll live well and your children after you—oh, you'll live a long time in the land that God, your God, is giving you.

Ruth 2:13
She said, "Oh sir, such grace, such kindness—I don't deserve it. You've touched my
heart, treated me like one of your own. And I don't even belong here!"

The HEART of Reciprocity
between a King & Queen
Because I really want to do it better the next time
1 Kings 10:1
The Queen of Sheba Visits ] The queen of Sheba heard about Solomon and his connection with the Name of God. She came to put his reputation to the test by asking tough questions. She made a grand and showy entrance into Jerusalem—camels loaded with spices, a huge amount of gold, and precious gems. She came to Solomon and talked about all the things that she cared about, emptying her heart to him. Solomon answered everything she put to him—nothing stumped him. When the queen of Sheba experienced for herself Solomon's wisdom and saw with her own eyes the palace he had built, the meals that were served, the impressive array of court officials and sharply dressed waiters, the lavish crystal, and the elaborate worship extravagant with Whole-Burnt-Offerings at the steps leading up to The Temple of God, it took her breath away.

1 Kings 10:13
King Solomon for his part gave the queen of Sheba all her heart's desireeverything she asked for, on top of what he had already so generously given her. Satisfied, she returned home with her train of servants

Keep the WORD
in my Heart
Deuteronomy 6:6
Write these commandments that I've given you today on your
hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.

Deuteronomy 11:18
Place these words on your
hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night. Inscribe them on the doorposts and gates of your cities so that you'll live a long time, and your children with you, on the soil that God promised to give your ancestors for as long as there is a sky over the Earth.

I love this's the addition to "give us this day our daily bread'! that what is given day today enough to sutain you and grow you...and it's not out of reach

Deuteronomy 30:11
This commandment that I'm commanding you today
isn't too much for you, it's not out of your reach. It's not on a high mountain—you don't have to get mountaineers to climb the peak and bring it down to your level and explain it before you can live it. And it's not across the ocean—you don't have to send sailors out to get it, bring it back, and then explain it before you can live it. No. The word is right here and now—as near as the tongue in your mouth, as near as the heart in your chest. Just do it!

My heart has been prepared...
Deuteronomy 8:1
Keep and live out the entire commandment that I'm commanding you today so that you'll live and prosper and enter and own the land that God promised to your ancestors.
Remember every road that God led you on for those forty years in the wilderness, pushing you to your limits, testing you so that he would know what you were made of, whether you would keep his commandments or not.
He put you through hard times. He made you go hungry. Then he fed you with manna,
something neither you nor your parents knew anything about, so you would learn that men and women don't live by bread only; we live by every word that comes from God's mouth. Your clothes didn't wear out and your feet didn't blister those forty years. You learned deep in your heart that God disciplines you in the same ways a father disciplines his child.

1 Chronicles 28:9
"And you, Solomon my son, get to know well your father's God; serve him with a whole
heart and eager mind, for God examines every heart and sees through every motive. If you seek him, he'll make sure you find him, but if you abandon him, he'll leave you for good. Look sharp now! God has chosen you to build his holy house. Be brave, determined! And do it!"

A Free Giving Heart
So everyone in the community of Israel left the presence of Moses. Then they came back, every one whose heart was roused, whose spirit was freely responsive, bringing offerings to God for building the Tent of Meeting, furnishing it for worship and making the holy vestments. They came, both men and women, all the willing spirits among them, offering brooches, earrings, rings, necklaces—anything made of gold—offering up their gold jewelry to God. And anyone who had blue, purple, and scarlet fabrics; fine linen; goats' hair; tanned leather; and dolphin skins brought them. Everyone who wanted to offer up silver or bronze as a gift to God brought it. Everyone who had acacia wood that could be used in the work, brought it. All the women skilled at weaving brought their weavings of blue and purple and scarlet fabrics and their fine linens. And all the women who were gifted in spinning, spun the goats' hair.

Exodus 35:27
The leaders brought onyx and other precious stones for setting in the Ephod and the Breastpiece. They also brought spices and olive oil for lamp oil, anointing oil, and incense. Every man and woman in Israel whose heart moved them freely tobring something for the work that God through Moses had commanded them to make, brought it, a voluntary offering for God.

2 Samuel 7:18
King David went in, took his place before God, and prayed: "Who am I, my Master God, and what is my family, that you have brought me to this place in life? But that's nothing compared to what's coming, for you've also spoken of my family far into the future, given me a glimpse into tomorrow, my Master God! What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, Master God, just as I am. You've done all this not because of who I am but because of who you are—out of your very
heart!—but you've let me in on it.

Lord I was studying and I cam across this scripture
Deuteronomy 29:2
Moses Blesses Israel on the Plains of Moab ]
Moses called all Israel together and said, You've seen with your own eyes everything that God did in Egypt to Pharaoh and his servants, and to the land itself— the massive trials to which you were eyewitnesses, the great signs and miracle-wonders. But God didn't give you an understanding heart or perceptive eyes or attentive ears until right now, this very day.

I thought it was interesting that I found this on Day 54 when I'm my "heart". the beginning of the journey I was on eyes and ears and I really don't remember this scripture. Regardless to whether I did or not, the point is Lord it poped out to me now. I'm not even finished studying and I want to pray now. I receive that TODAY I have an "understanding heart", "Perceptive eyes", and "attentive ears"!
I believe that this radical change hat I want in my life is happening today deep with this journey. I receive that however you want me to understand things the renewed heart will. I might not understand everything...I still don't understand completely the NBFL thing but I ask that you'd remove it for once and for all. I still don't understand why family relationships I thought were healed come back and blow-up! I guess I want to understand and/or witness TRUE COMPLETE HEALING
I want to know that a heart that wants to be healed can be completely healed. I want that healing I read in the bible that was instant and life changing.
But if it stays on this steady path...and my percription is tailor made, the so be it...'I'm cool with that. I'll keep rereading and seeking until the healing is complete
This is why it's so important to me christ, because I know the promise is coming, I don't want my disobedience to effect the souls that are attached to my my promise. I don't want to get to a platform where I'm like JESUS HEALED ME and stumble into some elementry, or even college grade crap!
That's real God. I've been around these christians that live one thing and talk about healing, but aren't heal...real tlk I don't even think they beieve that you can heal them, that's why they don't stick in there with the process
so God I stand on this
Deuteronomy 30:1
Here's what will happen. While you're out among the nations where God has dispersed you and the blessings and curses come in just the way I have set them before you, and you and your children take them seriously and come back to God, your God, and obey him with your whole
heart and soul according to everything that I command you today, God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he'll have compassion on you; he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered. No matter how far away you end up, God, your God, will get you out of there and bring you back to the land your ancestors once possessed. It will be yours again. He will give you a good life and make you more numerous than your ancestors.

1 Kings 3:9
"Here's what I want: Give me a God-listening heart so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil. For who on their own is capable of leading your glorious people?"

I end this prayer with
Joshua 23:14
"As you can see, I'm about to go the way we all end up going. Know this with all your
heart, with everything in you, that not one detail has failed of all the good things God, your God, promised you. It has all happened. Nothing's left undone—not so much as a word.

2 Samuel 22:21
God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I cleaned up my act, he gave me a fresh start. Indeed, I've kept alert to God's ways; I haven't taken God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works, I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my
heart to his eyes.

1 Kings 3:10
God, the Master, was delighted with
(Shamael's) response. And God said to (Shamael), "Because you have asked for this and haven't grasped after a long life, or riches, or the doom of your enemies, but you have asked for the ability to lead and govern well, I'll give you what you've asked for—I'm giving you a wise and mature heart. There's never been one like you before; and there'll be no one after. As a bonus, I'm giving you both the wealth and glory you didn't ask for—there's not a (Queen) anywhere who will come up to your mark. And if you stay on course, keeping your eye on the life-map and the God-signs as your (parents) did, I'll also give you a long life."

1 Kings 4:29
God gave
(Shamael) wisdom—the deepest of understanding and the largest of hearts. There was nothing beyond him, nothing he couldn't handle.
(Shamael's) wisdom outclassed the vaunted wisdom of wise men of the East, outshone the famous wisdom of Egypt. He was wiser than anyone—wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, wiser than Heman, wiser than Calcol and Darda the sons of Mahol. He became famous among all the surrounding nations. He created 3,000 proverbs; his songs added up to 1,005. He knew all about plants, from the huge cedar that grows in Lebanon to the tiny hyssop that grows in the cracks of a wall. He understood everything about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. Sent by kings from all over the earth who had heard of (her) reputation, people came from far and near to listen to the wisdom of (Shamael).

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