Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 25-My Stomach

The Man in the Mirror Journey
is a journey of walking out of a tomb and recognizing everyday the beauty and significance of how God created us. Instead of rebounding and finding esteem in the arms of someone else, these are the step to seeing it in the arms of God
Day 25
The Stomach Ache
Numbers 21:4
[ The Snake of Fiery Copper ]
They set out from Mount Hor along the Red Sea Road, a detour around the land of Edom. The people became irritable and cross as they traveled. They spoke out against God and Moses: "Why did you drag us out of Egypt to die in this godforsaken country? No decent food; no water—we can't stomach this stuff any longer."

Job 20:15
He will spit out the riches he swallowed; God will make his stomach vomit them up.

Job 20:12
"They savor evil as a delicacy, roll it around on their tongues, Prolong the flavor, a dalliance in decadence— real gourmets of evil! But then they get stomach cramps, a bad case of food poisoning. They gag on all that rich food; God makes them vomit it up. They gorge on evil, make a diet of that poison— a deadly diet—and it kills them. No quiet picnics for them beside gentle streams with fresh-baked bread and cheese, and tall, cool drinks. They spit out their food half-chewed, unable to relax and enjoy anything they've worked for. And why? Because they exploited the poor, took what never belonged to them.

Proverbs 13:25
The righteous eat to their hearts' content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.

Jeremiah 30:6
Ask and see: Can a man bear children? Then why do I see every strong man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor, every face turned deathly pale?

Proverbs 23:29
[ 18 ] Who are the people who are always crying the blues? Who do you know who reeks of self-pity? Who keeps getting beat up for no reason at all? Whose eyes are bleary and bloodshot? It's those who spend the night with a bottle, for whom drinking is serious business. Don't judge wine by its label, or its bouquet, or its full-bodied flavor. Judge it rather by the hangover it leaves you with— the splitting headache, the queasy stomach. Do you really prefer seeing double, with your speech all slurred, Reeling and seasick, drunk as a sailor? "They hit me," you'll say, "but it didn't hurt; they beat on me, but I didn't feel a thing. When I'm sober enough to manage it, bring me another drink!"

Lamentations 1:20
"O God, look at the trouble I'm in! My stomach in knots, my heart wrecked by a life of rebellion. Massacres in the streets, starvation in the houses.

Lamentations 3:13
He shot me in the stomach with arrows from his quiver. Everyone took me for a joke, made me the butt of their mocking ballads. He forced rotten, stinking food down my throat, bloated me with vile drinks.

Philippians 3:19
Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.

God's Response
Amos 4:6
"I gave you empty stomachs in every city and lack of bread in every town, yet you have not returned to me," declares the LORD.

Micah 6:14
You will eat but not be satisfied; your stomach will still be empty. You will store up but save nothing, because what you save I will give to the sword.

Proverbs 12:22
God can't stomach liars; he loves the company of those who keep their word.

Proverbs 16:5
God can't stomach arrogance or pretense; believe me, he'll put those upstarts in their place.

Mark 7:19
For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body." (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.")

Luke 12:22
[ Steep Yourself in God-Reality ]
He continued this subject with his disciples. "Don't fuss about what's on the table at mealtimes or if the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your inner life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the ravens, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, carefree in the care of God. And you count far more.

Romans 14:17
God's kingdom isn't a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness' sake. It's what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy. Your task is to single-mindedly serve Christ. Do that and you'll kill two birds with one stone: pleasing the God above you and proving your worth to the people around you.

1 Corinthians 8:8
But fortunately God doesn't grade us on our diet. We're neither commended when we clean our plate nor reprimanded when we just can't stomach it. But God does care when you use your freedom carelessly in a way that leads a fellow believer still vulnerable to those old associations to be thrown off track.

1 Corinthians 6:13
"Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"—but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.

Psalm 81:8
"Listen, dear ones—get this straight; O Israel, don't take this lightly. Don't take up with strange gods, don't worship the latest in gods. I'm God, your God, the very God who rescued you from doom in Egypt, Then fed you all you could eat, filled your hungry stomachs.

New Reflection

Proverbs 18:20
From the fruit of his mouth a man's stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied.

Proverbs 18:20
Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach; good talk is as gratifying as a good harvest.

Revelation 10:9
So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, "Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey."

2 Timothy 4:3
You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They'll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. But you—keep your eye on what you're doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God's servant.

Revelation 2:2
"I see what you've done, your hard, hard work, your refusal to quit. I know you can't stomach evil, that you weed out apostolic pretenders. I know your persistence, your courage in my cause, that you never wear out.

It is a BEAUTIFUL Day to be alive!
To STOMACH the trails and teaching that you have planned for our purpose!
I was made for right now! I was made for this generation I was made for this journey!
I was made to reflection the very character of God!
I was made to worship you and to praise you!
That's why the closer I get to you from seeking and pursuing holiness, the things I could stomach in my old life just make me sick! You are changing my appetite for life! Changing my hunger and desire! Making sure that the things I digest are of your ways and not mine!
Thank you Father for the 18 young souls that got saved last night! Thank you for the. Word from John Gray that filled the stomachs and minds of hundreds of teenagers! Let it be airborne! This healing that I participate in! May it be contagious! And known amongst the lost. And hurting!
I come against every stronghold and attack on our young people who have STOMACH the hardness of life! Digest more than someone there age should. We command a RELEASE in the name of Jesus who died on the cross for moments like these! We come against every stronghold and attack from the enemy, even the distortion of themselves, for the thing that they STOMACH at an early age, and grew accustomed to it and callous to it! I pray for a release followed by a loving accountability partner, followed by a new dimensional church, followed by public healing so their friend and loved one can be apart of the domino effect!

We will not STOMACH this crap anymore! We will not stomach stagness, and laziness in the body of Christ anymore! We will not STOMACH church as usual! We will digest living word that stretches us DAILY! No longer on a weekly supply!
I command a change in my temple! A reordering of how I worship you! Let everything that have Breathe praise the Most High for he is good! And because he is worthy, and because he is God alone and he didn't have to do it, but I am tearfully grateful that he did!
Whatever! My God is real!
In Jesus Name we pray
Love your servant Shamael and the army beside me!

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